
Calculate your total Deezer streaming revenue

This Deezer streaming royalty calculator below is brought to you by DailyRapFacts. Our Deezer Streaming Royalty Calculator will show you how much you would make on Deezer’s streaming platform.

Note: Our music streaming calculator is only an estimation. Deezer doesn’t have a fixed “pay-per-stream” rate. There are many factors that plays into how much royalties Deezer pays musicians like; if the listener has a paid or free account, listeners country, region and location, and more.

How Much Does Deezer Pay Per Stream or Play?

Deezer’s payout for musicians depends on which country/region the streams and plays are coming from and if the listener is paid or free. The most recent average rate for 2020 is $.0064 per stream on Deezer. Use our music streaming calculator tool to compare all platforms.